viernes, 15 de junio de 2007

Writing a title limits your interpretation

Jeg: Me mantiene atrapado.

Kodran: How to prove that it's keeping you trapped if you don't know the limits of a dream?

Jeg: He volado y caído, he visto a cercanos morir, he sido otras personas, he sido todos y ninguno, he escupido dientes y estado en películas y sin embargo en ninguna ocasión llegado a un "final".

Kodran: If that's the case, it means you're trapping yourself, you write your limits farther away from where your reach can get for it to be a pleasant stay.

Jeg: No es agradable, es frustrante.

Kodran: Why?

Jeg: Parece real, pero no lo es. Ni siquiera se siente como lo real, sucede igual que con la esperanza.

Kodran: You're wrong. Hope feels real, hope is possible. On the other hand, you know this is not hope, you know what this is: a temporary absence from yourself that can last forever, in which anything but what you want is what matters.

Jeg: No. todo lo que tengo deja de existir y lo que encuentro ahí es efímero.

Kodran: "Present" is ephemeral, what matters, anyway, but yourself? Or is it just the absurd what you long for?

Jeg: Eso no te importa. De hecho quién eres qué haces aquí diciendo esto.

Kodran: Both of us are "I".

Jeg: No, no lo acepto, yo soy yo, soy único, singular, simplemente "yo".

Kodran: You only hold on to that "I" idea 'cause you think of you as special but everyone is just "another one".

Jeg: ¿A qué te refieres? Yo soy yo y tú, simplemente algo más.

Kodran: You don't get it , do you? In the moment another one sees you, even if it's just for less than a second, in that exact moment, another "you" is created in the mind of the one that saw you, "you" are not only "you" but all the "you"'s that exist in everyone's minds.

Jeg: Mentiras, tú no eres yo.

Kodran: We are "I", don't you get it!

Jeg: Suponiendo que tiens razón, nadie me ha visto, cómo pude haberme dividido si nadie me ha visto.

Kodran: Let me explain this again: everyone that sees another person, no, let me rephrase it: with just knowing about another person's existence is enough to divide that person's self and create one in the mind of the one that gets knowledge of the first one's existence. This happens even if it's a dead one. So that's how it happens.

Jeg: En todo caso, para qué.

Kodran: 'cause no one ever gets to know anyone, nobody gets even close to that, so for them to think they know each other, they create their own versions of people.

Jeg: No respondes a mi pregunta, cómo existes si nadie me ha visto. si sabes tanto como presumes dime: ¿Quiénes saben de mi?

Kodran: In fact, there are some persons expecting your arrival, you will spend lots of days with those ones.

Jeg: Es ilógico, si alguien espera que yo llegue, no está aquí, quién eres, suponiendo que tuvieras razón en lo que dices, qué parte de mi eres, quién te creo, en la mente de quién existes. Te equivocas, si por casualidad alguien sabe de mí y no está aquí cómo es que estamos hablando.

Kodran: I'm the only "you" that you'll ever meet.

Jeg: ¡Quién eres!

Kodan: I'm your own perception of yourself.